Your child’s safety is our top priority. At AASD, we take every precaution to ensure the safe and efficient transport of students and district employees.
Bus Rules
We take safety very seriously. In addition to the established Code of Student Conduct, we require students to follow our bus and school vehicle conduct rules so everyone has a safe and enjoyable ride.
- Obey and cooperate with the driver.
- Arrive five minutes before the scheduled pick-up time.
- Wait until the bus or school vehicle comes to a complete stop before attempting to enter.
- Sit in assigned seats when required.
- Remain seated while the bus or school vehicle is in motion.
- Do not put items in the aisle, including backpacks, musical instruments, athletic gear, etc.
- Keep hands, head, and feet inside the bus or school vehicle at all times.
- Take responsibility for damage you cause to the bus or school vehicle.
- Do not litter—do not throw anything out of the windows or inside the bus or school vehicle.
- Do not engage in fighting, pushing, or aggressive behavior.
- Do not use abusive language or profanity.
- Respect the rights and property of others.
- Do not bring or consume food or drinks on the bus or school vehicle.
- Do not use or have in possession tobacco, alcohol, or drugs.