Health Services

Austin Area School District understands that health and wellness are key components in one’s overall well-being and academic success. That’s why we’re proud to provide our students and families with health services to enhance and complement each child’s academic development.

A Note from the Nurse

We are looking forward to a great start to the school year. Below are several items to promote a safe and healthy school environment.

Medications: If it is necessary for your child to take medication at school, the following guidelines must be followed.

  • No prescription medication will be given to a student without a physician’s written order.
  • Over the counter medications must be accompanied by a parent or guardian’s written permission.
  • All medication brought to the school must be in the original container, loose pills in a plastic bag are not acceptable.
  • The initial dose of a medication may not be given at school.
  • All medications must be kept in the nurse’s office. Students are not permitted to carry medications on their person or keep medication in their locker.
  • Students may carry prescribed inhalers with them if a doctor’s written order is provided to the school.

Illness: The following are some points that may help to reduce the spread of illness in our school.

  • Any child who is very sick, vomiting, or running a fever (100 or higher) should not be sent to school; this is not fair to that child or to all the other children that he/she may come in contact with during the day. Children who are running a fever should remain home until he/she is fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication.
  • If your child is diagnosed with a contagious condition, it is very helpful to make the school nurse aware. This information will always be kept confidential; it just helps in referring other students when they present with similar symptoms.
  • As always, hand washing is the number one way to prevent infections of any kind. We work at school to encourage good practices to prevent illness and infection. It is important for parents to encourage their children to wash their hands thoroughly and frequently.

Elena Daisley, RN
Austin School Nurse

Mobile Dentists/Smile Program

Get your child quality dental care right at school. In most cases, there is no cost to you if your child is insured with Medicaid or CHIP! The Smile Program also accepts private insurance and offers affordable self-pay options. Look for flyers about our next event.

The Mobile Dentists/Smile Program will be at the Austin Area School on February 3, 2025, September 19, 2025, and March 20, 2026. We will send flyers home, but you may also sign up online at My School Dentist to participate. This is an excellent opportunity for students who do not have a family dentist to receive dental care right here at school.

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