![SubpageBanner-SchoolInSummer Austin Area School in summer](https://wsos-cdn.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/sites/21/SubpageBanner-SchoolInSummer.jpg)
Austin Area School District takes its responsibility to manage taxpayer funds seriously. We conduct all business with integrity and transparency.
Financial Transparency
Find current and historical financial reports here:
Right-to-Know Law
The public has the right to access and procure copies of public records, with certain exceptions, subject to the law and our governing board policy. For more information about the Right-to-Know Law, please visit the Pennsylvania Department of Education website.
You may request documents by completing the form below and paying the required fees.
Submit your request to:
Pam Terrette, Right-to-Know Officer
Austin Area School District
138 Costello Ave.
Austin, PA 16720
Fax: 814-647-8869
Please send any appeals for Right-to-Know denials or partial denials to:
PA Office of Open Records
333 Market Street, 16th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333
Fax: 717-425-5343
Contact Info
We are happy to answer your questions or provide you with the information you need.